Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Rain helps

I am longing for Rain.
Not because it is very hot here but because last time it just doubled my customers.
Since customers cant go outside they choose to order from Giri Kitchen.
Once they taste the food they dont leave.

Thanks to Rain.

--Giri Kitchen

Analysis of food

Analysing the food industry also requires a PhD in the field.
I have come up with a small equation and how do various coefficients depend on region and economic state of customer.

Good food is described on the following factors:

  1. Taste

  2. Hygiene

  3. Nutritiousness

  4. Cost

  5. Freshness/Hotness

  6. Punctuality of Delivery

  7. Packing/Looks

  8. Availability (Timings)

  9. Quantity

1. Taste
This is highly contradictory factor. While I say a less spicy food tasty others might say it tasteless. So, focus on your target customers and realize their taste. Since I am focused on North Indian Customers, I keep the appropriate spices.

2. Hygiene
If your focussed customer is from low salaries group, you might overlook this but in a middle class or upper middle class customer this is prime concern.
For some customers, this might be of more importance than Taste.

3. Nutritiousness
If your target customer comes under lower middle class, you might ignore the fats content and other factors comprising the nutitiousness. But For middle class and upper middle class you need to avoid oily dishes keeping the food nutritious.

3. Cost
Based on region and saleried group, the cost makes a big difference in success.
If your targetted customers are middle class or uppper middle class, you have to deliver above mentioned factors effective. So, you cant afford to keep prices low.
Thankfully, such customers dont fuss much about prices as long as it is up to the mark. The same customer who thinks twice in paying 35/- for home delivered food doesnt care a damn when paying 200/- at a nice restaurent.
So, it is not about money it is about service.

4. Freshness/Hotness
In home delivery, the freshness/hotness is the biggest challenge. And we are working on devicing a packing for 'Chole-Bhatoore'. To keep the food hot, I switched to Hot cases from plastic packing.

5. Punctuality of Delivery
Customer doesnt wait. If you dont think so you have to wait whole life to get customers. This should be one of the prime concerns.
If you run a restaurent you might keep users in the puzzles drawn on the table paper.
It helps.

6. Packing/Looks
Imagine you got a food in plastic packings. First you need utensils to pour the food in. Second, you need to have patience for doing that. Third, you need to find scissors to open the packets. Forth, you cant afford to keep that funny packet at your desk in office.
Keeping these factors in mind, I switched to hot cases.
I dont care if I have to send my guy twice to bring the tiffin back.

7. Availability (Timings)
If you close your service at 9:00, then you need to think twice because the customer's day starts at 9:00 now-a-days. I am planning to run Giri Kitchen 24x7.

8. Quantity
Yes quantity matter. I have heard people saying, "The food was great. There was so much rice." But this factor depends on the region and salery of your customer.

I hope you find it informative.

Giri Kitchen